Greetings friends,
It's been a long month, but it's time for Bullet Orange!
Bullet Orange will begin dispatching to the EU, UK, Asia, and Australia very soon. If you are in one of these regions, please look out for a shipping notice soon!
Orders in USA/Canada are further delayed for the moment. For more information, see below.
USA/Canada Delivery Delay
Bullet Orange was scheduled to deliver this month, but there have been delays that have affected the USA and Canada. After arriving at port, the games were scheduled to move by rail to their final destination during late June.
Unfortunately, a shortage of rail cars has kept them in place. The word from the front has been "next week" for about four weeks now. :(
This means that Bullet Orange is still not in place to ship to fans in the USA and Canada. Unfortunately, there has not been any indication of how soon this gridlock will be broken.
Please be on the lookout for news soon, and thank you for your patience with this situation.