Level 99 Games Pricing Balance Patch

Level 99 Games Pricing Balance Patch

Effective March 3, 2025, we are announcing new pricing for several classic games in the Level 99 library. As the cost of materials, labor, logistics, taxes, and tariffs around the world continue to rise, this is a necessary step in order to continue to do business and deliver the quality that our fans have come to expect.

Orders placed before March 3, 2025, including all Kickstarter and Gamefound pledges are unaffected.

Please take note of the following price changes (all in USD):

  • [L99-MB001] Millennium Blades $80 ➡ $100
  • [L99-DBD01] Dead by Daylight™: The Board Game $50 ➡ $65
  • [L99-DBD06] Dead by Daylight™: Deluxe Upgrade Kit $50 ➡ $65
  • [L99-BLT01] Bullet♥︎ $40 ➡ $50
  • [L99-BLT03] Bullet★ $40 ➡ $50
  • [L99-BLTDX] Bullet: Deluxe Wooden Bullets $25 ➡ $40